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radius - Variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.StationarySpellObj
recode(Effects) - Static method in enum me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.Effects
Find the lowercase string that corresponds to an effect name
recode(Spells) - Static method in enum me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.Spells
Find the lowercase string that corresponds to a spell name
REDUCIO - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellBookParser
REDUCIO - Class in Spell
Shrinks a giant to a normal zombie.
REDUCIO(Ollivanders, Player, Spells, Double) - Constructor for class Spell.REDUCIO
REDUCTO - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellBookParser
REDUCTO - Class in Spell
Creates an explosion of magnitude depending on the spell level which destroys blocks and sets fires.
REDUCTO(Ollivanders, Player, Spells, Double) - Constructor for class Spell.REDUCTO
REGENERATION_POTION - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.PotionParser
remEffect(OEffect) - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.OPlayer
remProjectile(SpellProjectile) - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.Ollivanders
remStationary(StationarySpellObj) - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.Ollivanders
Removes a stationary spell object from plugin's stationary list
REPARIFARGE - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellBookParser
REPARIFARGE - Class in Spell
REPARIFARGE(Ollivanders, Player, Spells, Double) - Constructor for class Spell.REPARIFARGE
REPARO - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellBookParser
REPARO - Class in Spell
Repairs an itemstack you aim it at.
REPARO(Ollivanders, Player, Spells, Double) - Constructor for class Spell.REPARO
REPELLO_MUGGLETON - Static variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellBookParser
Adds a repello muggleton stationary spell object
REPELLO_MUGGLETON(Ollivanders, Player, Spells, Double) - Constructor for class Spell.REPELLO_MUGGLETON
REPELLO_MUGGLETON - Class in StationarySpell
Hides all blocks within its area by sending out block changes.
REPELLO_MUGGLETON(Player, Location, StationarySpells, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class StationarySpell.REPELLO_MUGGLETON
research(String) - Method in class Spell.FORSKNING
This will allow you to research a string for possible spells that could be made out of it
resetEffects() - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.OPlayer
resetSouls() - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.OPlayer
resetSpellCount() - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.OPlayer
revert() - Method in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellProjectile
Reverts any changes made to blocks if the effects are temporary.
revert() - Method in class Spell.AGUAMENTI
revert() - Method in class Spell.AQUA_ERUCTO
revert() - Method in class Spell.GLACIUS
revert() - Method in class Spell.GLACIUS_DUO
revert() - Method in class Spell.GLACIUS_TRIA
revert() - Method in class Spell.INCENDIO
revert() - Method in class Spell.INCENDIO_DUO
revert() - Method in class Spell.INCENDIO_TRIA
revert() - Method in class Spell.LUMOS_MAXIMA
revert() - Method in class Spell.TERGEO
rightWand - Variable in class me.cakenggt.Ollivanders.SpellProjectile