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getActivePotionEffects() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Gets a list of the active potion effects on this living entity
getAmount() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ItemStackWrapper
Gets the size of the ItemStack
getArgs() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's arguments.
getArgs() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the arguments that were passed to the node
getArmor() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.PlayerWrapper
Gets the armor of the player
getBlockState() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.BlockWrapper
Gets the BlockStateWrapper which wraps this block's BlockState
getCaster() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's caster.
getCaster() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the node's caster
getChatWrapper() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the ChatWrapper that represents the most recent player chat in that world
getCommand() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's command.
getCommand() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the code the node is executing
getCustomName() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Gets the custom name of this living entity
getData() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.BlockStateWrapper
Gets the MaterialData associated with this BlockState
getDirection() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's direction
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.PlayerWrapper
Gets the player's display name
getEntityId() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the entity Id of the entity
getEntityType() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the EntityType of the entity
getEyeDirection() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Gets the vector describing the direction the living entity is looking
getFallDistance() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the fall distance of the entity
getFireTicks() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the ticks left where the entity is on fire
getFoodLevel() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.PlayerWrapper
Gets the player's food level
getHealth() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Get's the living entity's current health
getInventory() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.PlayerWrapper
Gets the inventory of the player
getItemInHand() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.PlayerWrapper
Gets the item in the player's hand
getItemInInv(int) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the ItemStackWrapper in the specified slot of the node's inventory.
getItemMeta() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ItemStackWrapper
Gets the ItemMeta of the ItemStack
getItemStack() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ItemWrapper
Gets the wrapper for the ItemStack associated with this item
getLocation() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.BlockWrapper
Gets the location of this block
getLocation() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the location of the entity
getLocation() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's location
getLocation() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the node's location
getMap() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's map for storing information visible to other nodes
getMapValue(String) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the value in the node's map associated with this key
getMaxHealth() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Get's the living entity's max health
getMaximumAir() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Get's the living entity's maximum air
getMessage() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ChatWrapper
Gets the message said in the chat
getNearbyEntities(double) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets a list of nearby entities within a radius
getNearbyNodes(double) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets a list of nearby nodes within a radius
getNode() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeRunnable
getPassenger() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the entity's passenger
getPickupDelay() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ItemWrapper
Gets the pickup delay for this Item entity
getPower() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the power in the node
getPower() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the node's remaining power
getRemainingAir() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.LivingEntityWrapper
Gets the living entity's remaining air
getSpeaker() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ChatWrapper
Gets the PlayerWrapper associated with the speaking player
getType() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.ItemStackWrapper
Gets the material of the ItemStack
getUid() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gets the node's uid.
getUid() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.NodeWrapper
Gets the node's uid
getVelocity() - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.EntityWrapper
Gets the velocity of the entity
givePower(LivingEntityWrapper, double) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gives power to a living entity in the form of health.
givePower(NodeWrapper, double) - Method in class com.aleclownes.SpellScript.Node
Gives power to a node.